Preston in 1965, on the cusp of the modern world.

Preston in 1965 was undergoing massive redevelopment, yet many traditional hobbies still ruled. Boys enjoyed Tri-ang model railways and Dinky Toys, while girls had prams and dolls. Greenway’s toy shop looks surprisingly old-fashioned and many of the brands are long gone. Tri-ang became Triang-Hornby in 1965 and then the Tri-ang name was dropped entirely in the early 1970’s.

Model kits could be found in most newsagents as well as Woolworths and model shops. Brands such as Airfix are still around while Frog has disappeared. Meccano was still popular however Lego, was just starting to make inroads.

Poor housing

Bedford Street Preston in 1965, Photo Preston Digital Archive

Many old houses were being demolished. However, some still lived amid the desolation. The above photo is reminiscent of the poverty-stricken 1930s rather than 1965. The curved doorways were once common to industrial-style housing in Preston. There is not a car in sight, not the case today.

The end of steam in Preston

Britannia Class Western Star at Preston station in 1965, Photo Preston Digital Archive.

In 1965 once proud steam engines, such as the Britannia Class Western Star above, were in appalling condition. Steam was to end in 1968 and only two Britannia Class locos survived into preservation.

Preston in 1965, Smokey town

Fishergate in 1965, photo Preston Digital Archive.

Although coal burning had been banned domestically, there was still a lot of air pollution around in 1965. The scene above is on Fishergate close to the Railway Station. A Morris Minor van turns right while a triumph Herald approaches in the distance. The three-wheeled vehicle could be an “Invacar”. these were supplied to disabled motorists free of charge. Notably, they were usually blue.



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